5 amazing things that prove how friendly Ghanaians are
Uncategorized January 23, 2017, Comments OffBeing tagged as the world’s 8th most friendliest country is by no means an achievement to ignore. This feat has been achieved due to the natural efforts of many Ghanaians resident or abroad. The warmth and friendliness of this West African Nation is clearly evident in the way they talk, relate with foreigners and have fun. Travel anywhere in Ghana and you will be greeted to an amazing experience of warmth and hospitality. Below, Jumia Travel, Africa’s leading online hotel booking website highlight a few things that prove how friendly Ghanaians are.
Photo credit : MyWeku Tastes
Greetings – The most common form of communication in the world is a greeting. As simple as it seems, it speaks a lot about how welcoming or friendly someone or a group of people are. In Ghana, one unique thing that makes the people very friendly is the special form of greeting. Aside the words or phrases in many different dialects, most men either bow or salute while the women bend humbly to show respect. This greeting is just a way to make the guest or stranger feel welcomed and at home. Aside showing respect, greeting in Ghana shows that you accept the presence of the guest or stranger thereby making it easier for further interactions.
Selflessness towards strangers – By observation, there are just a few people in this world that care about others more than Ghanaians. A Ghanaian can sacrifice his seat on a bus, his position in a queue or even his meal for a guest or stranger. This is all in an attempt to make the guest feel comfortable. At many times, you find children showing directions or running errands for strangers at the expense of their own parents or family. What happens next will amaze you. The parent, rather than being angry will support the child for doing that. Amazing! Isn’t it? Ghanaians often put their personal interests second to the general well-being of guests and strangers. This is truly an amazing friendly gesture.
Introductions and education on culture – Anywhere you go in Ghana, you are likely to make new friends or get familiar with the local folk very easily. This is mainly because Ghanaians take key interests in introducing their friends, family, leaders and other acquaintances to guests and strangers before any other transaction or interaction. You are likely to hear ‘’Meet my uncle, sister, colleague’’ or sometimes even direct by introducing through names and positions. You are more likely to feel at home with familiar people than you will with people you don’t know. Another great thing is that Ghanaians educate their guests or strangers on their culture, heritage and tradition. This makes it easier to live in this country because as a visitor, you will know a few things about the country, what to do, what not to say and a few taboos.
Trust – ‘’Trust no man’’ is a very common phrase in many parts of the world based on experiences and several life happenings. However, if there is ever a group of people who can give you their trust, it is the good people of Ghana. Whenever a visitor comes down to Ghana, the local folk tend to trust them not to pose any security threats or have any malicious intent. They trust visitors to be clean and act positively. Sometimes, this is considered as a threat but on the other hand, this gives the visitor a lot of confidence, the freedom and the much needed confidence to enjoy his/her trip.
Everyday’s a party! – In Ghana, everyday is a party. This can be taken both literally and in every sense of the statement as well. They are always happy and vibrant. You often find Ghanaians dancing and singing along to good music at events and beaches or even at traditional durbars and cultural events. On any given day, trust Ghanaians to lighten up your day with so much colour and excitement. They will dance together, sing together, dress up the visitor to look exactly like they are dressed and even teach him/her some local songs and dances. After this however, you are on your own. You have a strict obligation to go teach your own friends and family back in your home country what you learnt from Ghana.
In a far away land, trying to explore new cultures and learn new things, who wouldn’t want to come to a country like Ghana where warmth and friendliness is a trademark? In Ghana, everyone is your friend!
Credit : Bennet Otoo, Jumia Travel