90’s crime thriller Inspector Bediako makes grand return to TV

90’s crime thriller Inspector Bediako makes grand return to TV

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Debuting on local TV in the 90s, popular crime series Inspector Bediako is set for a big return after decades off our screens.

Inspector Bediako is among several programmes which got viewers glued to their sets in the 90s, inspiring awe (and now, nostalgia), and being listed among era-defining programmes Ghanaian television has witnessed. Others as Taxi Driver, By The Fireside, and Things We Do For Love, also made major waves back then.

Played by Oscar Provencal, Inspector Bediako tells the story of a model detective navigating tough crime puzzles in the city. The series was also widely received in Nigeria for its compelling storyline and quality in production.

Producers of the series are reportedly in talks with a number of local stations to screen the series in coming weeks.

source: enewsgh.com



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