#LIVEINSIDE : Setor Vows to Kick Sarah Out of the Competition
Uncategorized March 14, 2016, Comments OffSetor Jinadu, one of the remaining four contestants in ‘Live Inside and Win the
Ride’ reality show has vowed to kick out contestant Sarah Ayim from the
competition before the end of March.
Setor , who is gradually carving a niche for himself as the troublemaker of the
reality show, has in the past five days pulled different stunts to make the
other contestants as uncomfortable as possible. This time, 23 year old model,
Sarah Ayim, seems to be the target for his antics.
The ambitious young model who badly wants the car said, “Sarah is boring and
I will try as much as possible to kick her out before the end of March. She
doesn’t like being irritated and I plan on pestering her from now till March
ends.” He also added that “The girls are no competition.”
He noted that once Sarah was out of the competition, he would work to
eliminate Ernestina Fiah- and finally Abdul Malik Jaberl.
But Sarah also disclosed that she had her own game plan to stay in the
competition and eventually win the car.
Meanwhile, Setor has resulted on sleeping naked in the car each night till the
end of the competition. According him, sleeping naked was a habit that he
could not do away with.
The ongoing ‘Live Inside and win the ride’ competition at the West Hill Mall is a
Global Media Alliance Broadcast Company (GMABC) – parent company of e.TV
Ghana, YFM and Happy FM – initiative to redefine reality shows on the
Patrons can follow the event on e.TV Ghana, YFM and Happy FM or join in on
the conversation on social media with the hash tag #LiveInside.