Marriage Won’t Keep Me Away From Sarkodie – Freda Rhymz
Uncategorized October 2, 2018, Comments OffMARRIAGE WON’T KEEP ME AWAY FROM SARKODIE
Ghana’s female rap star Freda Rhymz has declared her undying love for rap icon Sarkodie in her new song.
The Black Avenue Muzik recording artist just released a freestyle cover to Nicki Minaj’s Barbie Dreams and the lyrics are pure fire.
She stated she was not going to back off from Sarkodie even though he recently got married. Freda Rhymz goes really hard on this freestyle and it’s absolutely a must listen.
Check out the video directed by Jeneral Jay; out now.
Audio Download : https://www. blackavenuemuzik.com/ fredarhymzjuxplaying