Shirley Frimpong Manso not yet a film maker?
Uncategorized May 15, 2016, Comments OffWriter, Producer and a Film Director Shirley Frimpong – Manso yesterday on the #Cosmopollitanmix with Doreen Andor of JOY FM said that because of financial difficulties in the movie industry, She doesn’t think she has become a full flesh filmmaker yet, and for that matter, she is still a businesswoman trying to make movies. In many ways, she is still learning the craft. For example, Shirley Frimpong must learn more about critical parts of the process like selecting specialist insurance for film errors and omissions.
Also, she added that funding and the high level of creativity in Western movies has added up to their quality and that is the challenge in the Ghanaian movie industry
She further explained that moviemakers in Ghana have the ability to produce great films of heroes like Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Yaa Asantewaa Azuma Nelson etc. but due to financial constrains they are limited
She went on to say that movie makers in Ghana can tell the real African stories, in the interview she listed Woody Allen as one of her favourite film producers due to his typical European storylines and a great fan of Steven Spielberg for his marvelous story telling.
“I am looking forward to work with Akosua Busia and also turn most of the Ghanaian literature story books into movies”, She Lastly stated.
Source: Nii Bongo