Singer, Tina J Jorm Makes Shocking Revelations About Herself +Checkout Her New Stunning Promo Photos
Uncategorized August 13, 2016, Comments OffGhkwaku.com held a very interesting and quite extensive interview with the very talented singer and actress Tina J jorm. She made a must read revelations about herself as well as her life.
The singer as well is looking stunningly hot in her latest photoshoot.She is working on her new song which shouldn’t take long to be released. Checkout the interview as well as photoshoot below…
At what age did you start singing?
“I started singing when I was about 8-9. Ive always dreamed of becoming a great singer and my family has been very supportive ( smiles)
Who are your inspirations?
Answer: “My inspirations are Celine Dion, whitney Houston, jason derulo.
3.Do you write your own songs?
“Yes! I do write my own songs, all the time, whenever inspiration strikes! And I will continue to keep writing more.
Where do you get inspiration for your songs?
“Hmm…Life, Situations, Boys and people are great inspiration for my songs!
5.If you could perform anywhere, in the world, where would it have to be?
That will be @ the BET, am aiming high!
6.If you could perform with anyone, in the future, who would it have to be?
“That’s an easy question! Beyonce. I adore that lady
If you perform on any TV show or talk show which would it have to be?
“ Friday night live and on the Goodmorning show”
What is your favorite song to sing live?
“Your Lady” by Celine Dion that song has a lot of meaning to me!!”
Do you have any events coming up or recording going on right now?
“YES, as a matter of fact I do. I’m working on some new songs in the studio so just stay tuned ( wink)
Ghkwaku.com then decided to get into her personal life a little bit and here’s what transpired
Are you Dating?
Yes, am talking to someone.
There were Rumours around sometime ago that you are a Lesbian, How true is that?
Hahahha, it’s never true, l played a role in a movie titled “Bisexual wife” and in the movie l was having an affair with a lady behind my husband, l think thats what struck the rumour.
What is the relationship between you and the Rapper EL?
smiles …that’s an aspect of my life l don’t like talking about so l would rather not!
What is one thing you cannot live without?
“MY IPHONE! I can listen to music, tweet my fans, check my YouTube comments, hit up the FaceBook, and text my friends all at the same time! Whoever invented that thing is my hero.
What is your favorite restaurant
Tang Palace Hotel, l don’t get to go there a lot, but when I do it’s a treat”!!
Whats your favourite colour?
oh l love red because it makes me look pretty.
Any male celeb crushes?
Oh yeah!!, ive always admire one person for a very very long time,Thats peter, a member of Psquare”
What makes you Happy/Complete?
I will say Money and Peace of Mind. (Smiles)
Do you have a favorite quote or a saying that is always on your mind?
“If your lucky enough to be different than everyone else, don’t ever change to be the same”. It’s a huge compliment to me, when people tell me I’m different. I don’t want to be the same as everyone else, I want to stand out!”
Great so what’s the Title of the song you are about to Release?
The title is “Mylife”
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to sing as a career or just advice about careers in general?
“YES, anyone who has dreams of becoming a singer, or another career. Don’t ever let anyone else get in your way! There was one point in my life where I almost quit singing, because I was too worried about what others thought of me, but then I realized that singing is what is REALLY important to me. It’s my life, and nothing anybody says or does can stop me now from achieving my goals!
So there you have it. The singer is currently in the studios cooking up something new for the public and she urges to lookout for a lot to come from her very soon.
Now check out the dazzling photos below as she calls it “insomnia”..
source: ghkwaku.com