MUST READ: My response to Sarkodie on #Freepress- Jay Foley
Uncategorized August 20, 2014, 4 CommentsMY RESPONSE TO SARKODIE’s FREESTYLE
“hi Jay Foley, here is an official invitation to you to be part of the MTV-EMA’s 2012 to be held in Germany”
this was the first message i received from the INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION that invited me to witness the MTV-AWARDS show. It didnt end there, my professionalism and diligence in executing my coverage earned me another slot on the red carpet at the 2013 edition of the BET-AWARDS. I must say it was an amazing experience.
I was the only Ghanaian media person accompanied with 3 Nigerians. For whatever reason i was reselected or given the opportunity in the first place, i do believe hard work plays a major part of it. A reason why I partly side with Sarkodie when he spoke about how we manage the industry.
I must first commend a few industry mates for pushing Ghanaian content far enough for it be recognized internationally. I do extend my thankfulness to the other journalist hidden behind the scenes who have pushed content hard enough as well. I wish i could freely point out names, but you know yourselves.
On the other hand, I must say i partly understand Sarkodie’s views on certain issues he raised. Lets start of with JOURNALISM (RADIO PRESENTERS).
I have identified very few radio and tv personalities that work with a lot of professionalism in their work. But i must say, others are truly nowhere near the future of radio and tv. I am not saying I am the best, but day in day out i learn in the area of expertise and try as much as possible to set my productions on international standards. It’s not an easy task. But the desire and the will power is there and that is key.
When you are given the opportunity to be on the red carpet of such internationally recognised platforms like BET and MTV, your thinking process changes. It’s not SARKODIE’s fault perhaps to return home and get frustrated at some very unprofessional journalists who report wrongly and always criticise without any proper investigations. (CUT n PASTE Journalism). It is the processes used a these international gigs that sets you on a kind of experience that will forever be embedded in your career.
Social media is very powerful and lets bear in mind that everyone including BARAK OBAMA has access to view your tweets and updates. What are you saying about your country Ghana? Are you living the Ghanian dream?
We must push our local brands, our artiste, our products. We need to pay people well, we need to iconize and hail our celebrities, this is the only way to gain international recognition and respect. Bash them when they are wrong but do it with professionalism. It is not easy to be a celeb or famous person and live, eat, dress and talk like your bank account is that of a celeb. lol. My personal experience, “i was buying fuel worth Ghc20 and the attendant laughed and said, jay paaaa, why u dey buy Ghs20?”
lol is it my fault, if I dont earn that HUGE income? ( for those of you in my shoes I am sure you understand)
I met R2bees on the redcarpet at the BET awards and i must say, for you to be seen walking on that redcarpet, then one must have worked EXTREMELY hard to be given a chance to be there.
I humbly ask our leaders and people in very influential positions in the governing body to give showbiz much more attention. I throw a bigger challenge to all my fellow journalists to work harder in this career, radio and tv jockies, read more, learn more, be more. Lets set standards so our standards become the international standards that the foreign community will follow. It is not an easy task but we sure will.
If Sarkodie has stepped on toes, maybe he will deserve his punishment. But speaking as media person who has been on similar platforms as Sarkodie, I do get what he is saying. Maybe he expressed his frustrations in a manner that might have offended his fans but someone had to say it.
Together we can make GMA’s, MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS, BASS AWARDS, RADIO n TELEVISION AWARDS etc the best on the planet. It starts from YOU the reader.
source: Ameyaw Debrah
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